Monday, 20 May 2013

Apologies, Additions & Updates

First off, apologies for neglecting my duties at keeping you all updated on life here in Tabuk. There was a small issue of a 32,000 word assignment that took all my attention over the past month or so. But happily that is now handed in and there are whispers going around about mid-terms at the end of May. Can't believe it, first year is almost done already!

So there is loads and loads to update ye on. First I got to visit Davao for a week to take part in a CPR course with the Red Cross. Finally I got to meet the rest of my classmates, go to the beach for a night and drink real milk! I have only been able to get powdered or UHT milk in Tabuk so you have no idea the excitement at seeing a bottle of real fresh milk in the supermarket in Davao! I like to now refer to fresh milk as "happiness in a bottle". I also got to see Mercy Maternity Centre and go along to a night duty shift. Mercy is the clinic where my classmates are working. It was great to see a different way of providing maternity care from our rural clinic. The sheer volume of patients was a bit overwhelming, but I was hugely impressed by the efficient way their system works and the incredible contribution they are making to ensuring the women of Davao have access to safe, high quality maternity care. Recently the clinic delivered baby 20,000 so just goes to show the massive impact they are having and continue to have with the families of Davao. It was great to spend the week in the city catching up with new friends, hanging out in coffee shops and eating food that reminds me of home, for some strange reason unknown to me that involved uncontrollable cravings for boxes of cocopops!
Happy Day Indeed! 

Don't know what made it Irish but I bought it, ate it and liked it!
First cappuccino in 8 months 

Our beach hideaway for a night on Somal island.

View at dinner

Breakfast on the beach


Our family here in Abundant is also growing with new arrivals. The first is our cook, Emma recently had a baby boy delivered here at the clinic. Emma has an adorable daughter already and baby Eljay was welcomed into the world on April 5th.


Emma and Vanessa about 2 weeks before Eljay was born

Baby Eljay
Another arrival is one of my patients, Amelia. Amelia had her baby here on the 4th of march and I was lucky enough to be her midwife. On her 3 week check after having her baby Amelia shyly asked me if I could help her with something. Not having a clue what she was going to ask I tried to be as honest as I could and told her she can first ask and then we will see if I can help. It turns out Amelia is actually a student midwife at the local college and she was unable to finish her work experience as she was heavily pregnant. So she was wondering if she could make up her work experience hours here at Abundant. After talking with my supervisors and the Director of the clinic, Georgia, it was decided that there was no problem with Amelia joining us here as a volunteer until she has enough hours practical experience. So now I am delighted to update that Amelia has gotten all of her work experience hours done and is now well on her way to being a fully qualified midwife!

Amila, her husband and baby Kaitleen one day old.

And lastly the most surprising addition is a puppy that I got from our neighbours. The reason for the puppy is a bit sadder, Hairy (also known as Harry), who was the clinic guard-dog for the past 8 years sadly had to be sent to doggie heaven due to multiple health problems. Hairy was much loved by everyone so little Madra (no prizes for guessing who named him) has some pretty big paws to fill. But he is great so far and settling into clinic life really well. we have even paw printed him ;)

Hairy -RIP

Madra just after he arrived.
After living with us for about a month, he is finally worm and almost flea free. and has strangely completely changed colour!

Finally I would just like to finish up with a random few pics, one of the main things I love about living here is that you never really know who is going to show up at the front door. More often than not it is a woman in labour but a few weeks ago we got a visit from a door-to-door salesman. Arrived on his motorbike that was literally packed with all the stuff he was selling, baskets, rocking chairs, hammocks, sweeping brushes. Love it! :)

Making sure we all fit in the chairs!

Everything on the motorbike 


* Just a little sidenote - any pictures or stories on here about my patients have all been given with my patient and their families permission.


  1. Aisling, wonderful update. would love to be over there!

    Love T xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Hey Ash, just caught up with your blog... you really are a great writer! Sounds like an amazing experience... can't believe your first year is nearly over. . Keep up the blog... love Katie xxx
